But I refuse to have my walls littered with 'post it' notes......in any case if there's too many they no longer act as reminders but add up to resemble quirky wallpaper.
Some reminders can be taken down after a day if the task is complete and if I remember to take them down.
Sometimes I leave them up as a sort of journal to reassure me that I still do stuff... that I still have a life....you know..I still eat, I use the telephone, I go to the dry cleaners, I pay my bills just like everyone else!
Some visual reminders however can act as powerful tools help me focus on my life priorities and goals, or perhaps to change habits.
They act in daily increments that gradually forge another pathway in the brain to by pass the errant habitual response
Take talking too much for example.
I seem to be receiving more and more signals lately from friends and family that my constant desire to pass on to the wider world the daily progeny of ideas emanating from my brilliant mind sometimes reaches 'verbal diarrhea' proportions.
Something powerful was needed on my wardrobe door to help me overcome this affliction of oral verbosity.
I'm not proud of it and it's a bit harsh but it probably accurately reflects the thoughts of those who have to listen to me.
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